

Punavuorenkatu 2 B 17
00120 Helsinki

✉︎ helsinki(at)


Jukka Hiltunen
Freeman Awuah,

Lay leader

Paul Brewu

Chairman of the Administrative council:

Jukka Hiltunen

Treasurer : 

Oluwakemi Ariyo, Oluwakemi.Oguntuyi(at)

Administrative council members in addition to the above-mentioned:

Adwoa Brewu (english work), adwoa.brewu(at)
Vesa Tolin
Pekka Rajamaa (music ministry), pekka.rajamaa(at)

Lay servants:

Adwoa Brewu, Paul Brewu, Aino Kallio

Annual Conference delegate:  

Vesa Tolin (2024-27), substitute Pekka Rajamaa
Samuel Osei-Owusu (2024-27), substitute John Owusu


Social work: Some of the members visit elderly.

Accountant: Paula Pöysti

Bank account: Nordea, Helsinki, IBAN: FI38 2058 1800 0108 08, BIC: NDEAFIHH

Reference numbers for bank payments:

  • tithing 1119
  • seurakuntamaksut 1122
  • donations 1135
  • child and youth work 1148
  • basar 1151
  • book sale 1177
  • current needs 1180
  • United Methodist Women 4006
  • India missions 4022
  • Help to Orphans -ministry in Thailand 7100
  • other missionary work 4080
  • new sound equipment 5500

Money collection permit: RA/2024/191

Permit holder: Suomen Metodistikirkko.

Money collection Bank account: FI07 1555 3000 1286 46

Helsinki Methodist church´s reference number: 194

Mobile Pay numero: #12802 

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